The Book is Released but still Not Quite Available

Well, Wednesday my book was supposedly released but I still haven't figured out how to get a copy of it. I have the ISBN number and I keep checking Amazon but it's not there yet.  I will let everyone know the second it is actually available.  As you can imagine, I'm quite disappointed that the book is not really available yet. 

Anyway, I posted a new segment of the Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J. I hope all my readers realized that these are more or less notes for the next novel, The Circle of Confusion.  I am working on it and I've set a goal for myself to have the first draft finished by Christmas.

I'm also putting the final touches on my lesbian erotica short story, Afternoon Delight. If all goes well it will be available on Amazon next week

I have another lesbian erotica short story titled, The Wrong Place At The Right Time that is going through its first round of edits and will hopefully be ready to go to Amazon by the first of September.

And, my partner and I are working on a murder mystery. So lots of exciting stuff going on. Please keep checking back for updates. 


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