
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Storms of Life

24487119  ©  Paul Schneider  | This summer has been absolutely nuts. There has been so much drama with my family that has seriously interfered with my writing for the past few years, but I'm getting back on track. The good thing about all that is that it's given me another story idea that I'm putting down the first notes for.  I have been working on new episodes for College Hill: Season Two . I'm going to make College Hill: Season One available on Kindle unlimited soon. And I'm going to start posting episodes of Ridgway Moon. Life has been so crazy that I have not been able to complete a book, but I want to publish new content and that's where Kindle Vella is a good source for me to post new material.  I'm trying to decide which book I want to make permanently free as a draw for readers and something to give away for newsletter subscribers once I get my newsletter back up and running. I think it's going to be Sheltered by Love . It's