Welcome to 2022!
Learning to Love Again is live on Amazon! I'm so excited about finally getting this book out there for my fans. I'm waiting with bated breath for my first review. You can just never tell how people will respond to a book. I certainly hope everyone enjoys it. This is an After 50 lesbian romance. It's also about self-discovery and self-esteem. Many of us have suffered through a bad relationship that made us feel less than our true worth. But, in this story, my main character, Ava, overcomes her lack of self-esteem and creates a happy life for herself, with the help of a special friend. I've set up a Goodreads Giveaway, but they haven't sent my approval email yet, but hopefully that will be available soon. If you follow me on Goodreads keep an eye out for that. I hope that this new year has started out well for all of you. If you've watched the news at all, you know our small city, Bowling Green got hammered by tornadoes in mid-December. It was terrifying to s...