A Jumbled Mess

224183155 © National Library Scotland | Dreamstime.com The above picture is from air raid damage done at one of the hospitals of the St. John's Ambulance Association during one of the World Wars. This picture is a pretty good reflection of the way my life looks right now. One big jumbled mess. I just posted the post I wrote in Colorado at the end of May. I wrote that post before my life, and my daughters' lives imploded. I have not written more than a few pages since the first part of June because life has been so screwed up. I haven't been able to sit down for more than a few minutes at a time to work on my writing business. I'm completely unfocused and having a really hard time cleaning up the mess that my life has become. Things are slowly starting to calm down, and I'm praying that by the end of August, I will be able to sit down and finish one of the two stories I've been toggling back and forth between and get something published this year....