Getting Your Shit Together Is Hard

I know I'm not the only one who has had this feeling of AAUGH! Just when you think life is finally going your way and you're going to kick that football over the moon, some Lucy jerks it away at the last minute. My main, and really only goal, for 2023 is to get my shit together, but it is hard. I make a schedule that I think I can stick with, and someone throws a monkey wrench in my plans, and down I go. For those of you who read this blog, all five of you that may still be following me, you know that my life is complicated. When my partner and I got together 24 years ago, I had no idea of the hell my children and I were going to put her through, and I'm amazed every day that she's still here, or rather hasn't thrown us all out on the street. It's her house. We survived my two daughters' psycho teenage years, raised three grandchildren, took care of my partner's mother and son when they were sick, and now we're about to become great-grandparent...