
Showing posts from 2017


  Happy day after Christmas. Like many of you, I had to go back to my day job today. We made it through Christmas without any major family drama. Yay! Next holiday up is New Year's, which is my personal favorite holiday. New Year's always makes me feel like I'm getting a fresh start and the upcoming New Year's Day will be no different. It will be a fresh year and I'll fresh new stories coming out. I expect to release at least two new stories next year, and I plan to freshen up a few of the others. I'm about halfway through Building Love in my first round of edits and working very hard to get it ready for a Valentine's Day release. As we get closer to February I'll update you on all the progress I'm making. I know many of you are waiting for the next installment of Suddenly and The Wrong Place at the Right Time. Unfortunately, both of my follow up stories for those books have stalled. Maybe after I finish Building Love and get it out there, I...

Let The Editing Begin

I finished NaNoWriMo with two days to spare this year. It's always a wonderful feeling to cross that finish line and know that I've almost completed a new novel in a month's time. In the past four years of competing in NaNoWriMo, only one of the novels I worked on actually made it to publication, which surprises even me.  One of the stories, "Aunt Gladys' Wish" fizzled out and I haven't gotten back to it. "Beginnings" I've been working on for like five years. "Standing Her Ground" came out of that original story. I will finish "Beginnings" eventually, but it has been an epic undertaking.  This year's book, "Building Love" is definitely going to get published. My goal is to have it ready for Valentine's Day. I took a week away from it, and I'm going to start the first round of editing this week. The other big project in the works is "Finding Jenna." I took some time to rework i...

We're Having A Baby

Good Evening! I've been working away on my new young adult lesbian romance during NaNoWriMo this month and I'm up to 35,690 words. I just wrote the scene where one of my main characters, Patty has her baby and, of course, her future love interest, Theresa is there for the birth. At this point they are not a couple yet. Theresa has had a crush on Patty for a long time, but Patty is just starting to realize that the friendship she and Theresa share feels like something more. Here's an excerpt and please keep in mind this is a very first draft, straight from my brain to the keyboard, no editing.  Patty I woke to the smell of coffee and donuts. For a minute I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Looking around the room and seeing Mom and Theresa talking, and then seeing Mattie sleeping in her crib, I realized I was in heaven. All the people I loved were in this room. I paused at that thought and looked at Theresa. Yes, I loved her. It was weird that I felt that way. We’...

Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo

Above is a screen shot from my NaNoWriMo page. I'm going to be writing my next young adult lesbian romance starting next month and hopefully finishing before Christmas. Here is the synopsis. I'd love to hear what you think so send me your thoughts either here, on Facebook, or send an email to Theresa Garland is thrilled when her father, Richard gives her a remodeling project of her own to run. Theresa has been working for her father since she was a little girl and just finished her Associate's Degree in Construction Management. The project is to remodel an old house into a bed and breakfast for Richard’s high school sweetheart, Sandy McNeal. Theresa doesn’t realize it, but Sandy is the mother of Patty McNeal, a girl she had a crush on in high school. Patty McNeal is having a very bad year. Her father was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver a little over a year ago. The insurance companies for her father’s life insurance and the drunk...

What A Year It Has Been

It's time that I gave you all an update of what's been going on. I didn't even realize how long it had been since I'd posted to this blog. I don't have anything new coming out soon, but I do have several projects in the works. Those of you who have been following me for a few years know that I have a boat load of grandchildren. My youngest daughter, Michelle added to my collection in June. She had a beautiful baby girl who was a little early, but healthy. Here is a picture of me with all 7 of my grandchildren from left to right on the couch at my youngest daughter's house: Jazmyn (11), Julian (4), Me (Old), Deborah (2 months), Gage (9), Samuel (7). On the floor, Jacob (13) and David, (10). Of these 7, my partner, Rosa and I are raising Jacob, Jazmyn and Julian. My oldest daughter, Jess had some drug issues that she has gotten over, but she still has not developed motherly skills. It runs in the family I'm afraid. My mother and maternal mother were not ve...


If you've been following me on Facebook, you know that I'm working on a story that is going to have a female-to-male transsexual character. I was fortunate enough to have two very nice young gentlemen contact me on Facebook. One, I interviewed via Facebook Messenger, and the other was a local man that I sat down with and had coffee. Both interviews were very enlightening. I have to admit all I've known about transsexuals has come from what I've seen in the media. Chaz Bono and Caitlyn Jenner's stories. I've read a few books on the subject so far, Beyond Magenta: Trans Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin and Queerly Beloved: A Love Across Genders by Diane and Jacob Anderson-Minshall. When I was interviewing my two new gentlemen friends, I mentioned that I was amazed that there were a lot more stories about male-to-female trans than there were about female-to-male trans. They both said that it was safer that way because society seems to be more comfortable wit...

Expanding Availability

I'm working on formatting all my books to go on Smashwords so they can be distributed through different markets. I'd kept them strictly to Amazon because I was making pretty good money in the Kindle Unlimited program. Well, do to the fact that my book, Suddenly could still be found online in different places that I couldn't find but Amazon could, I cannot put a book in the unlimited program for a year. This really pissed me off, but there's nothing I can do about it. Now my books will be available through other online retailers like Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Sony, etc. Eventually, they will be available on my website. It's just a lot of work and a lot of time. The Wrong Place at the Right Time is the first book I'm publishing on Smashwords. I hope to have them all on there over the next couple of weeks.

Question Posted to Goodreads

Back in February someone posted the question, "Who is your favorite fictional couple, and why?" I guess I didn't get to the question in enough time because it's not there anymore. My favorite fictional couple of all my books is definitely Jamie and P. J. from Suddenly . They are my favorite partially because they are from the first book of mine that was published, and because they are such a cute couple. I had so much fun writing them. I'm working on another young adult lesbian romance that I hope to have out later this year. It also has two characters that I've been working on in my head that I think I'm really going to enjoy developing. I will be posting more about them as the story develops. I hope whoever posted the question gets to see this blog post, and I hope that's the answer they were looking for.

So Far Behind

I've been chasing my tail for months now and still have not caught it. ;) I've got so many irons in the fire I can't seem to get any of them completely forge. I am over half way done with The Preacher's Wife which is a companion book to Standing Her Ground. The Preacher's Wife was the book I'd started before Standing Her Ground , but I just couldn't get it to flow. Now, it's really coming along. I, also, have a new adult thriller I'm working on and a young adult/new adult romance in the works. On top of that I'm trying to get the next book of the Suddenly series going on. Speaking of Suddenly , because my original publisher did not get all of the ecopies of Suddenly taken down, Amazon has banned me from making any of my books available on Kindle Unlimited for a year. Which I am furious about. I'm going to make all of books available in other places like Kobo, Barnes and Noble, etc., but it will just take a little time to get it done. ...