What A Year It Has Been

It's time that I gave you all an update of what's been going on. I didn't even realize how long it had been since I'd posted to this blog. I don't have anything new coming out soon, but I do have several projects in the works.

Those of you who have been following me for a few years know that I have a boat load of grandchildren. My youngest daughter, Michelle added to my collection in June. She had a beautiful baby girl who was a little early, but healthy. Here is a picture of me with all 7 of my grandchildren from left to right on the couch at my youngest daughter's house: Jazmyn (11), Julian (4), Me (Old), Deborah (2 months), Gage (9), Samuel (7). On the floor, Jacob (13) and David, (10). Of these 7, my partner, Rosa and I are raising Jacob, Jazmyn and Julian. My oldest daughter, Jess had some drug issues that she has gotten over, but she still has not developed motherly skills. It runs in the family I'm afraid. My mother and maternal mother were not very motherly either. Of course, back in their day, mothers stayed at home to raise children, who were to be seen and not heard. They were to work on the farm, around the house, or babysit, depending on the family.

Both of my parents came from large farm families. My dad came from a family with 8 kids and my mom's had 10. I'm not real sure what kind of farmer my dad's father was, but my mother's father was a dairy farmer.

There would be no way we could get this crew of kids to work on a farm, not unless the tractors were run like video games, then maybe.

It's amazing how much things have changed in what we expect out of kids. It's no wonder so many of them get into a lot of trouble like my girls did. They didn't have anything to keep them busy and out of trouble and Rosa and I worked all the time. 

Anyway, since my last post, way back in April, I've had a lot going on. Besides finishing writing my trans story, I was dealing with the grandkids for the most of the summer, which definitely dug into my writing time. David, Gage, and Samuel are back in Colorado with their dad. Deborah is in Owensboro being spoiled rotten by her parents. Jacob and Jazmyn are back in school so I just have Julian when I'm not at work. Of course, that's like having 3 kids in one because he is all over the place.

As you can see, I've had my hands full, but I've also been juggling stories. I finished my female to male transsexual story titled, Finding Jenna. I got a rejection from an agent and a publisher. Both were positive rejections so I'm reworking FJ in hopes of getting it traditionally published. I know some of you are probably wondering why I'm doing that when I've self-published everything else. Honestly, I just want to go through the traditional publishing experience. And, I just kind of what to see if I can get published traditionally. So, that's what 's going on with that.

I have a lesbian romance that I've been working on for close to four years that is finally starting to shape up. It's one of those stories that is requiring a lot of research and I have no idea if anyone will like the story. It's just been one of those stories, like Finding Jenna, that is demanding that I write it.

I'm also working on a wedding story for The Wrong Place at the Right Time fans, and another sequel to Suddenly. The one I have out now, It's All New was just a tester sequel to get a feel for what the fans want.

I have a couple other stories that I've started that went no where. I have two that I published on the Royal Academy of Bards sight that I'm editing and preparing for publication on Amazon. And, just because I don't have enough to do, I'm going to write a whole new young adult lesbian romance next month during NaNoWriMo. 

Even though I have not published anything new this year, I expect to get two or three of these stories I've mentioned out to the masses next year. I'm also going to try to do a better job of posting on here, on my website and my other social media outlets. Thank you all for being patient. I promise to have something ready for you to snap up soon.


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