So Far Behind

I've been chasing my tail for months now and still have not caught it. ;) I've got so many irons in the fire I can't seem to get any of them completely forge. I am over half way done with The Preacher's Wife which is a companion book to Standing Her Ground. The Preacher's Wife was the book I'd started before Standing Her Ground, but I just couldn't get it to flow. Now, it's really coming along.

I, also, have a new adult thriller I'm working on and a young adult/new adult romance in the works. On top of that I'm trying to get the next book of the Suddenly series going on. Speaking of Suddenly, because my original publisher did not get all of the ecopies of Suddenly taken down, Amazon has banned me from making any of my books available on Kindle Unlimited for a year. Which I am furious about.

I'm going to make all of books available in other places like Kobo, Barnes and Noble, etc., but it will just take a little time to get it done.

Right now you can read Standing Her Ground (The Truth About Her Son), Judge Not (Don't Judge Love), and the ongoing story of The Preacher's Wife for free on Inkitt.


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