Finding Jenna Chapters Twenty-nine and Thirty summaries

Many apologies, yet again. One of the things about having children in your life, you can never predict how things are going to go. I thought for sure I'd be able to get online and update this blog for you while I had six of my seven grandchildren, but I was wrong. So here we are, just five days until the release of Finding Jenna. I hope that those of you who have been following the blog will be ready to get a copy of the book and find out how everything plays out.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Elliot goes to see his mother at the hospital in Evansville. Terry Howard had already explained to Elliot’s mother, Darlene about the changes he’s been through. Darlene wasn’t all that surprised and was just so happy to know that her child was alive that she didn’t care if he was a boy now. Elliot tells Darlene what happened and visits with her until the nurse tells him he as to go.

Chapter Thirty

Cara and Caroline Marshall are visiting Darlene when Elliot and Terry get back to the hospital. Caroline is happy that Jenna is alive in Elliot. Cara leaves the room to avoid Elliot, but he finds her in the hospital cafeteria. The two of them talk about Elliot’s changes and why he can’t go back to being Jenna. End the end they agree to try to be friends.


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