Coming March 5th!

The official release date for Sheltered by Love is March 5, 2020!

I'm so thankful for my readers who have been patiently waiting for me to finally finish this book. It's been a bit of an up and down road in the writing process, but I'm pretty happy with this story, and I hope all you like it. The story has drama, animal rescues, and a slow-building romance.

Here's the blurb that will hopefully pique your interest in the story:
Suzanne Jericho let her anger get the better of her, with the result being two hundred hours of community service at the Humane Society’s animal shelter. Chrissy Stein is working at the animal shelter as a vet tech so she can help her beloved animals. 

Jericho, as Suzanne prefers to be called, comes from a rough around the edges, hardworking family. Chrissy comes from an uptight political family with whom she doesn’t fit. 

Although these two young women come from different backgrounds, they have a lot in common. They both love animals, their parents used to date, and they have both been hurt and used by past girlfriends. 

The attraction Jericho and Chrissy feel builds slowly, as does their friendship. Only time will tell if they will give their romantic feelings a chance to blossom into full-blown love. 

There will be giveaways that follow it's release, so please watch out for those. And, of course, those of you on my "First to Know" email list will get a special giveaway just for you. If you haven't signed up to one of the "First to Know" here's the link:



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