Chapter Summaries for Chapters 20, 21, 22, 23

I have to apologize for being so far behind on my posts here. I've been preparing for a presentation on marketing that I did this morning at my public library. It went pretty well and I even learned some stuff from the attendees.

Since I'm four days behind on posting, I'm going to post four chapter summaries. We're getting closer to the release date for the book and I hope these summaries will temp you to buy the book.

Chapter Twenty

Mark and Dana come to see Elliot at the restaurant to let him know that the Cobra Cartel’s meeting has been moved to August. Steven asks about Elliot’s family when he hears Elliot calling Mark and Dana is aunt and uncle. Elliot tells him the story he’s practices about his parents dying in a murder-suicide and the he was raised by Mark and Dana and his maternal grandparents. Cara and Steven butt heads and Elliot has to step in to break it up. Sandy threatens to fire both Cara and Steven if the problems continue. She also alludes to Steven getting in trouble with his uncle who is helping Steven out if he gets fired.

Chapter Twenty-one

Sandy closed the restaurant early on the night of the Fourth of July fireworks. Steven invited all of the staff at the restaurant to come out to where his friends and he were going to be watching the fireworks and partying. Everyone agree to go with Steven. They took different cars and paired up on the way out to the lake, where the fireworks were being shot off. A guy named Chase, welcomed them to the party when they arrived. Elliot felt that Chase might be Steven’s cousin. Chase questioned all of the restaurant staff about where they were from and how they had ended up in Morehead. His questioning made him seem even more suspicious to Elliot. Cara road back the restaurant after the fireworks. When Elliot asked her about her major, she told him she was studying forensics so she could try to find her girlfriend, Jenna.

Chapter Twenty-two

Elliot and Cara are becoming closer as friends. It’s tearing Elliot up that he has to hide the truth from Cara and is hoping the charade he is pulling will be over soon. Steven comes in while Elliot and Cara are talking. He makes some derogatory comments about Cara’s sexuality that sets her off and she quits. Sandy is furious and would fire Steven, but Elliot and she need to keep him close by because they have found out that his uncle, Sam Nelson, is the leader of the Cobra Cartel.

Chapter Twenty-three

Elliot gets a night off and decides to go to Lexington to relax. He goes to a club and is surprised when Steven approaches him. He’s even more surprised to find Cara and Megan are there too. Elliot is suspicious of Steven and Chase’s reasons for being at the same bar, especially after he finds out that Cara and Megan are there. Elliot convinces Cara and Megan to go to the hotel room he already has booked so he will be able to watch over them. He fears that Steven and Chase plan to teach the two girls a lesson for turning them down.


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