
Showing posts from 2016

What I'm working on now!

I am working on a piece originally titled "The Evangelist's Wife." It's about Kaitlyn Haverty from Standing Her Ground's mother, Catherine and Elizabeth Stanton. I started working on this story three years ago after the first time I heard about "corrective rape," but I could never get the story to flow. It's finally taking off. I've written over 14,000 words.  And then, I realized I gave Elizabeth the wrong job. OOPS! So, I'll be working on fixing that. This story is going to overlap Standing Her Ground. It's going to start when Catherine returns from Uganda after having been kidnapped and raped. So for the SHG readers, you'll get some insight into what is going on with Kaitlyn from her mother's story. I'm really excited about this story. I, also, may be publishing it on when I start editing it. If I do that the fans who follow me will get to read it for free as I'm editing and add their input. So keep an e...

So Close

If I could only get about ten hours of uninterrupted time, I could get the first episode of The Circle of Confusion done. Unfortunately, I'm babysitting all of my grandchildren, ages 11-3, so I'm not getting much writing done. I had hoped to have it up by now, but life gets in the way sometimes. Please be patient. It will be up soon and it will be free. I'm also going to attach a survey to it because I want to know what my readers think about it and how it's written. Keep your fingers crossed and pray the writing gods let me have some writing time.

Getting Closer

I've had my grandkids several days over the past couple of weeks and haven't been able to put the finishing touches on The Circle of Confusion: It's All New: Meeting New Friends episode. I also have not had a chance to put together the cover. It's very, very close to being ready and I appreciate your patience. Here's a little taste of the story to hold you over. P. J. I see Jamie coming up the sidewalk. Her dark hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She is wearing red shorts and a black tank top. I can see the definition of her legs from where I’m standing several feet away. Her smile widens as she sees me checking her out. The first time I checked her out back in high school, she had no clue that I was doing it. I used to hang with a pretty rough crowd, and Jamie had never really paid much attention to me. She was a popular cheerleader and dating Todd Baxter, one of the basketball players. I was just beginning to suspect that I might be gay, and the ...

The Circle of Confusion

Suddenly has been available for a week now and doing very well on Amazon. I'm very excited to see so many people reading it. I'm working on the print edition. I've been having a little trouble with the cover, but expect to get that done in the next day or two. Unfortunately, it's making me have to push back the release date for the print copy, which I had planned on being on June 10th.  I also planned to release the first episode of The Circle of Confusion: It's All New on June 10th. That still might happen. The episode is written. It's told from P. J. and Jamie's point of view, plus I'm introducing two new characters, Lori and Kayla who will be part of P. J. and Jamie's group of friends. I'll post a link for you all once it is available. This first episode will be free on Amazon and I hope to hear what you all thing about the story.

Suddenly Getting Ready To Be Available Again

    Suddenly is just a few keystrokes away from release. I'm going to load it to Amazon this weekend and check it out to make sure there isn't anything that still needs fixed and officially re-release it under my partner and my book label, Tea Rose Books.  I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks about reading the story for the first time, or reading it again. I know I loved reading it again. It is, by far, still my favorite story of everything I've written. Plus, with this done, I can start working on new projects. :) I hope you will write me and tell me what you think about this story, or any other story I've written at Namaste! M. E.

Don't You Wanna Stay- Jason Aldean ft. Kelly Clarkson

I love music and I always built a play list for my stories. I love finding songs that I think fit with my story. This song was what can to mind when I wrote the following scene in Second Chances: "Think about it. I’m sure Mom would love for you to stay.” Casey wanted her to stay, too. “I’ll think about it.” “Pam…uh…,” Casey began, “I…uh...wanted to apologize for being so forward at the bar.” Casey paused, and then said, “But I’m not really sorry about what I did.” Pam could feel the blush creeping up her neck. “It’s okay. I enjoyed it.” Casey’s whole body flushed with heat at Pam’s words. “Really?” “Yes,” Pam paused, a little surprised by what she was about to admit this to Casey. “I used to look forward to the way you always tried to touch me. I’ve been sorry many times that I didn’t give in and let you.”

Rough Month

If any of you follow me on Facebook, you know that I lost my beloved sister, Sheryl, on February 11, 2016. She was with her long time partner, James Shumberg. They died in a single engine plane crash off the coast of Destin, Florida. This tragedy put my life in a tailspin for a few weeks. My sister and I were very close and she was a huge supporter of my writing. I'm working through my mourning and back to writing, because that's what she would have wanted me to do. I have three major projects for this month, and hopefully I'll get at least one of them done. The one I want to finish the most, is the editing and re-releasing of Suddenly . I know there are several people wondering what happened to that book. The publisher it was originally published with went out of business, so the title was returned to me. The original editing was very poorly done, so I've been going over it with a fine tooth comb. My goal is to make it available again before the end of March. The...

Time Flies

I can't believe it's already almost the end of January 2016. After I had published Standing Her Ground on October 31, 2015, life became very busy with the holidays and crazy schedules. The time has flown by, and I feel like I haven't done anything, but I have. Besides spending a ton of time promoting Standing Her Ground, I've been editing Suddenly. As many of you know, my publisher, Itoh Press, gave me back the rights to Suddenly. It needed editing badly, so that has been one of my main focuses for the past few months.  I've started writing a holiday romance in November thinking I get it done in enough time to publish it by Christmas, but that didn't happen. And then, another story popped into my head demanding to be written. I've been writing, editing, and reading like a crazy fool. Mind you, I'm not complaining. I love doing all of those things, well, except for editing. ;) Anyway, I'm trying to fit more blog posts into my schedule so I c...