The Circle of Confusion

Suddenly has been available for a week now and doing very well on Amazon. I'm very excited to see so many people reading it. I'm working on the print edition. I've been having a little trouble with the cover, but expect to get that done in the next day or two. Unfortunately, it's making me have to push back the release date for the print copy, which I had planned on being on June 10th. 

I also planned to release the first episode of The Circle of Confusion: It's All New on June 10th. That still might happen. The episode is written. It's told from P. J. and Jamie's point of view, plus I'm introducing two new characters, Lori and Kayla who will be part of P. J. and Jamie's group of friends. I'll post a link for you all once it is available. This first episode will be free on Amazon and I hope to hear what you all thing about the story.


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