Getting Closer

I've had my grandkids several days over the past couple of weeks and haven't been able to put the finishing touches on The Circle of Confusion: It's All New: Meeting New Friends episode. I also have not had a chance to put together the cover. It's very, very close to being ready and I appreciate your patience. Here's a little taste of the story to hold you over.

P. J.

I see Jamie coming up the sidewalk. Her dark hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She is wearing red shorts and a black tank top. I can see the definition of her legs from where I’m standing several feet away. Her smile widens as she sees me checking her out.
The first time I checked her out back in high school, she had no clue that I was doing it. I used to hang with a pretty rough crowd, and Jamie had never really paid much attention to me. She was a popular cheerleader and dating Todd Baxter, one of the basketball players. I was just beginning to suspect that I might be gay, and the attraction I felt for her was a part of that early confusion. I’d see her coming into the school building as my friends and I stood around outside talking, and I would watch her. She was beautiful. At the time, I didn’t understand why I felt so compelled to watch for her every day, but now I know it’s because I was falling in love with her.


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