
Showing posts from 2014

Stories coming to me faster than I can write them.

I have four stories twirling around in my head right now and little time for writing. I'm about half-way through the first book of the Circle of Confusion series, that are the sequel to Suddenly . I've outlined a new murder mystery, written about 5000 words into the book that will tell about Mary, Jackie, Ashley and Jean's weddings from The Wrong Place at the Right Time and Judge Not . And, I've started making notes for a new young adult novel, tentatively titled, "I'm Not Who You Think I Am." I need a month off so that all I have to do is write, but that isn't going to happen. What is coming up is NaNoWriMo in November when I hope to make a huge dent in at least one of those four stories. But, for now, I'll just keep making notes and writing every chance I get and hopefully have something new for you all soon. I've also been doing some reading when I get a few moments, usually right before bed. I read Rock Hard Candy by Liz McMullen th...

Insanity of life

The past few months have been some of the craziest times of my life and the next few are not looking much better. I've had a lot of family stuff going on that has kept me from being able to keep up with my posts on here, on Facebook and all my other social media profiles. I have worked out a new schedule and I will hopefully being able to post on a regular basis now. I do have good news for any readers who have not had a chance to read Judge Not yet. It is currently free on Smashwords with this coupon code: NN32U Go to this link, enter the code and get your free copy of Judge Not!

A Great Month!

This has been a great month. Second Chances has sold like wildfire. As a result of Second Chances selling well, my other books Suddenly , Treacherous Souls , The Wrong Place at the Right Time , and Judge Not have all had increases in sales. Life has been good on the home front and to top of my great month, Nicole Conn, a lesbian film icon has asked me to help promote her forthcoming book, "Descending Thirds." She plans to make this into a movie as well. If you have never seen a Nicole Conn film, you need to hop over to Wolfe Video and order you a copy of one of her films. If you are skiddish about making an investment buying the movie, swing over to Netflix and check out Elena Undone.

Elena Undone soundtrack 8


Second Chances Available and On Fire!

I decided to take control of publishing Second Chances and published it myself. It is now available on Amazon and Smashwords as an ebook. It is also available in print on Amazon . I initially published Second Chances a week ago today and it has been on fire. It was ranked #5 in lesbian romance on Amazon this morning and I've already had several sales on Smashwords. I'm so excited that so many people are getting their copies of this fun book. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks. Now, I can turn my attention back to The Circle of Confusion: P.J. I have set a publishing goal of early fall for it. And, since I plan to publish it myself, I shouldn't have a problem reaching that goal.

Second Chances release pushed back.

I'm sorry to say that the release of Second Chances is being pushed back. I ended my contract with Itoh Press due to creative differences and I will be publishing Second Chances through a different publisher.  Please bear with me through these changes and I will have Second Chances available for you all very soon. Until then, please stop by my website to find links to my other books that are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords.

Second Chances is done!

I finished editing Second Chances and I've sent it to the publisher. Hopefully it will be released by the end of this month. I've also added another installment to The Circle of Confusion: P. J. I'm tinkering with my website and hope to have new excerpts from all my stories up later today. I hope you will stop by and check it out.

Second Chances Editing Two-Thirds of the way Done!

I finished editing the first two-thirds of Second Chances last week. This is the fourth editing go through and mostly likely the last. I've talked to my publisher and I am pushing for a release date of May 30, 2014. I'll definitely let you all know when it is set in stone. I've also posted installment five to The Circle of Confusion: P. J. to the C ontinuing Story of Jamie and P. J. Blog.

Oops. ;)

I posted the third installment for my book blog on here earlier and it was supposed to go on The Continuing Story of Jamie and P.J. I've posted it there too. What I'd planned on putting on here was news about how the editing of Second Chances is going. It's been a little slow going so I don't think we'll have it ready by the end of April, but hopefully by mid-May it will be out. I'm also working on a murder mystery. It's really just in the planning stages and a long way from finished, but I think it will be a fun story. I am also working on some more erotica to have out this summer, so stay tuned for all of that!

Installment Three!

Chapter Three Jamie is naked and straddling me. She leans down and nuzzles my neck. Somewhere off in the distance I hear knocking and someone saying, “Wake up, P. J., your alarm is going off.” I hear buzzing, but I’m not sure where it’s coming from. Jamie is kissing her way down my body and I can’t remember how she got into my bedroom. “P. J.,” Aunt Cheryl’s voice booms into my thoughts. “Get up and turn that alarm off.” The buzzing is suddenly louder and Jamie is gone. I open my eyes and bright sun light streams in from the windows in front of me and to my right. I reach over, grab my phone, and silence the alarm. “Thank God,” Aunt Cheryl says, “That thing has been going off for a half an hour.” “Sorry,” I call out. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and look up at the ceiling. I’m truly disappointed that I was just dreaming about Jamie. It feels like it’s been forever since we made love. I can’t wait to be able to get our own place so we can be together every night. ...

Apologies :)

I put in my post the other day that I was going to be posting excerpts from my books to my website and I didn't get it done until today, so I'm sorry about my tardiness. :( I do hope you will all stop in and check out the new excerpts. I'm going to be working on my website and updating it over the next few days so please check in to see what's new!

What's happening now!

Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted new news for a few weeks, but I've had a lot going on. Second Chances is still being edited with hopes of it being published by the end of this month, so keep your fingers crossed. I've been working on making Treacherous Souls available in print and who would have thought it was going to be such a huge process. I've wanted to throw the computer out the window a few times. The print cover is going to look different from the ebook cover below, but this picture will be included in it. This has been a crazy month and I haven't had a chance to add new excerpts to my website, but I will be doing that today. So, if you get a chance stop by the website: Also, I've be writing on The Circle of Confusion: P.J. I'm about 8000 words in and hope to finish it this summer. I think that you all are going to like The Circle of Confusion series. It's going to give you insight to the charac...

Judge Not available on Amazon!

Judge Not is now available on Amazon! I'm still working through the kinks with Smashwords and hopefully I'll have that finished by the end of the day tomorrow so it will be available in other places like Barnes and Noble and Kobo.

Second Chances

Great news everyone! My publisher, Itoh Press is going to publish Second Chances. We are looking at a late April 2014 release date so stay tuned for more news. Of course I'll be posting this information on Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , my other social media sites and my website . I'm working on the final edits of Judge Not and hoping to have it released before Valentine's day. And I will be back to work on The Circle of Confusion. I have a goal of getting it published before the end of this year, so keep your fingers crossed.

Happy New Year!

I hope 2014 has started out wonderful for all of you. I know I'm really excited about the New Year and all of the projects I have going on. I finished the first draft of Judge Not and I'm editing it every chance I get. I've tentatively set the publication date for January 31, 2014, but we'll see how the editing goes. I'm working on making Afternoon Delight available on Amazon. It's just a matter of reformatting it, but it's also one of those time things. It's currently available on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble , Kobo ,  and Sony ebooks . And, of course, The Wrong Place at the Right Time is available in all those places, except Sony.  I hope you will check back often or sign up for email notices. I'm going to have a lot going on this year and I want all of you to know about it!