Happy New Year!

I hope 2014 has started out wonderful for all of you. I know I'm really excited about the New Year and all of the projects I have going on. I finished the first draft of Judge Not and I'm editing it every chance I get. I've tentatively set the publication date for January 31, 2014, but we'll see how the editing goes.

I'm working on making Afternoon Delight available on Amazon. It's just a matter of reformatting it, but it's also one of those time things. It's currently available on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo,  and Sony ebooks.

And, of course, The Wrong Place at the Right Time is available in all those places, except Sony.  I hope you will check back often or sign up for email notices. I'm going to have a lot going on this year and I want all of you to know about it!


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