What's happening now!

Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted new news for a few weeks, but I've had a lot going on.

Second Chances is still being edited with hopes of it being published by the end of this month, so keep your fingers crossed.

I've been working on making Treacherous Souls available in print and who would have thought it was going to be such a huge process. I've wanted to throw the computer out the window a few times. The print cover is going to look different from the ebook cover below, but this picture will be included in it. This has been a crazy month and I haven't had a chance to add new excerpts to my website, but I will be doing that today. So, if you get a chance stop by the website: http://www.metudor.com/
Also, I've be writing on The Circle of Confusion: P.J. I'm about 8000 words in and hope to finish it this summer. I think that you all are going to like The Circle of Confusion series. It's going to give you insight to the characters and how they are dealing with their circumstances.

On top of all this work, I've been reading a few other authors included H. M. Ward and Lyn Gardner. H. M. Ward does straight romance, but she is also one of the most successful self-published authors around. If you check out her books you'll know why. I'm totally hooked into The Arrangement series. And, Lyn Gardner is a wonderful self-published lesbian author. The first time I read one of her books I got it off of Smashwords. It was Ice and it's a great read. She has a new book out that I'm reading right now, "Give Me A Reason." It's been great so far.


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