Stories coming to me faster than I can write them.

I have four stories twirling around in my head right now and little time for writing. I'm about half-way through the first book of the Circle of Confusion series, that are the sequel to Suddenly. I've outlined a new murder mystery, written about 5000 words into the book that will tell about Mary, Jackie, Ashley and Jean's weddings from The Wrong Place at the Right Time and Judge Not. And, I've started making notes for a new young adult novel, tentatively titled, "I'm Not Who You Think I Am."

I need a month off so that all I have to do is write, but that isn't going to happen. What is coming up is NaNoWriMo in November when I hope to make a huge dent in at least one of those four stories. But, for now, I'll just keep making notes and writing every chance I get and hopefully have something new for you all soon.

I've also been doing some reading when I get a few moments, usually right before bed. I read Rock Hard Candy by Liz McMullen this past month and finished Life Is Not A Country Song by Rhavenfyre.


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