The Writing of The Circle of Confusion Has Officially Begun

Today is the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo and the day I officially started writing The Circle of Confusion. This story is the sequel to Suddenly and will be told from Lori Meredeth, a college friend of Jamie and P. J.'s point of view. I will be posting snippets of the story on here and on The Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J. blog. I wrote over 1600 words this morning and here is today's snippet.

"I watched Carrie Davenport approach the plate pulling her blond ponytail tighter. She tapped the plate with her bat, and then turned to me expectantly, blue eyes blazing. I bent forward, the softball behind my back. Our catcher, Leshana Jackson gave me the signal to go a little high with the pitch. I knew she was right. Carrie had a weakness for the high pitches. She also had a weakness for having sexual escapes when she was in a different town from where she and her girlfriend. It was one of reasons why she and I hadn’t lasted in high school. And, it was the reason we were together for old time’s sake last night."


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