What a week!

This past week and the first part of this week have been pretty rough. I was so excited about getting to see my book in print, but I was devastaged by all the problems with the book. This run should have been an advanced reader copy instead of the actually print run. Anyway, the publisher is supposed to have fixed it and we'll see how the next run of books turns out.

I am moving on with my other projects. I have another short lesbian erotica that I'm going to be posting on Smashwords before the end of the week. I'm also going to make some big changes to my website and add another post to The Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J.

If you want a copy of Suddenly from this first run of the book, I still have a few left. They are $15 and each copy is numbered as a limited edition and autographed. Anyone interested in a copy please email me at mxtudor08@gmail.com


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