Another Smashwords Story!

I've posted another story to Smashwords. It's another short lesbian erotica, but it has the potential of becoming a series. In fact, I already have plans to write the next segment this week. So check out The Wrong Place at the Right Time. This one is going to be free for a few weeks and then it will go up to .99.  Also the first story I posted there, Afternoon Delight is still .99, but I may be posting some coupons for it over this next week.

I'm working on another post for the Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J. and I'm working on the first chapter of a murder mystery my partner and I are writing together. As time goes on I'll post some snippets from the murder mystery here to give you guys a little taste of what's to come with that. 

The Continuing Story of Jamie and P.J. is going to eventually be a full blown novel but the blog will have tidbits of ideas as I work it out in my head so please keep checking back with it to see what's happening with the girls.


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