Hello from Colorado

I'm writing this post from beautiful Elk Meadows, a small community in the mountains above Ridgway, Colorado. This picture is the view from the house my daughter is renting for the week. She comes to Colorado every summer to get her sons, who live with their father in Montrose, Colorado. She usually stays for a week and visits with her cousin who lives here in Ridgway. I come with her just about every summer, or at least every other summer. 

I lived in Elk Meadows and Ridgway with my ex-husband back in the 1990s, when my girls were still little. It's a beautiful small town. Paradise really. But, like the Eagles say in their song The Last Resort, "Call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye." The town is getting bigger, and the cost of living here has gotten out of reach for a lot of people who have lived here their whole lives. It's really quite sad. I miss seeing this view every day, but I wouldn't trade it for my Kentucky home, where the love of my life, Rosa, is from and will never leave. Plus, I'm a big prejudiced toward the beauty of Kentucky and its green rolling hills. 

In writing news, I finished the first draft of my WIP before I left Kentucky, and I will start on the second draft when I get home. I'm making notes and doing some editing on Ridgway Moon, the sequel to Learning to Love Again. I'm hoping to start loading episodes on Kindle Vella soon. I will also be putting Suddenly's new cover on Amazon and uploading the edited manuscript. The ebook version of Suddenly will include the first three episodes of College Hill, the sequel to Suddenly. 


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