A Jumbled Mess

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The above picture is from air raid damage done at one of the hospitals of the St. John's Ambulance Association during one of the World Wars. This picture is a pretty good reflection of the way my life looks right now. One big jumbled mess. I just posted the post I wrote in Colorado at the end of May. I wrote that post before my life, and my daughters' lives imploded. 

I have not written more than a few pages since the first part of June because life has been so screwed up. I haven't been able to sit down for more than a few minutes at a time to work on my writing business. I'm completely unfocused and having a really hard time cleaning up the mess that my life has become. Things are slowly starting to calm down, and I'm praying that by the end of August, I will be able to sit down and finish one of the two stories I've been toggling back and forth between and get something published this year. 

I have decided that I'm going to discontinue my newsletter. It only goes out to about 30 people, and as a general rule, only one or two people ever open it. I don't want to spend time away from writing to put effort into something that is not serving me or my readers. 

Please keep my family in your prayers as we are working through the rubble of our lives. No one has died, thank God, but relationships have been in turmoil, and one ended. There's been a lot of shuffling around regarding who is living where and how the houses are set up. But the dust is starting to settle. I'm hoping by next week, when the grandkids go back to school, that will help get things back into a routine so I can work on my writing. I hope my readers don't give up on me. I still have lots of stories to tell. I've just got to get my life situated in a way that will allow me to get the stories written and out to the public. 


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