It's Here!

It's Here!

Avalanche of Love is now on Amazon Kindle. If you don't read on Amazon Kindle, but would like a copy of the book, contact me directly at
I'm still working on the print version. Amazon and I have not come to an agreement about the cover, but I hope to have the print version available by the first of next week. 

What else is going on? 

Well, I'm writing a new young adult book. It's in it's earliest stages, so there's not much to tell yet. I'm also working on a play for the Emerald Theater Company's contest. I've written the basics of the play, but I need to edit it, and fine tune it. 

How's life?

My partner, Rosa retired a few weeks ago, and I could not be happier for her. She spent a lot of years working and truly deserves this time off. Of course, she has taken over dealing with my three grandchildren we are raising, so she hasn't had much downtime. She has been able to work on her craft projects, and we're getting several ready for the flea market. She's going to be at the FleaLand Flea Market here in Bowling Green on May 25th with her son, so if you want some cute crafts, stop by and see them. 

Trips in the works.

I love to travel, so I'm very excited to have two trips coming up. Labor Day weekend I'm driving to Montrose, Colorado with my daughter, Michelle. We're going out there to get her three boys. Colorado favors fathers in custody cases, especially if the father's family knows the judge, so Michelle's ex got custody of the boys. Grrr. Anyway, they come to Kentucky every summer, so we're going to get them. 

I used to live in Colorado, and I miss it, so I'm always excited about getting to go back to the mountains. 

The other trip will be in June. My grandson, Jacob and I are flying to Orlando, Florida to see my brother. We're all that's left of our immediate family, so I try to get down there at least once a year. I'm not that excited about going to Florida in the middle of the summer because it's going to be very hot, but my brother lives relatively close to the beach, so we'll get to cool off there. 

I'm going to use the trip as a research opportunity. A story I was working on last year takes place in this area, so I'm going to check some things out so I can make my story more authentic.

That sums up what's happening with me right now. I hope you'll check out Avalanche of Love and leave a review to let me know what you think. And visit my page on Facebook so you can keep an eye out for upcoming giveaways. 

Have a great week ya all!


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