Highlight of My Week! Maybe My Year!

For the very first time ever, one of my books was a #1 New Release in Lesbian Romance!

Granted, it only lasted 3 days, it was still super nice, and it might make it's way back up the list.

What else is going on?

I'm over 10,000 words into my new young adult lesbian romance. I really need to finish my play, but haven't gotten around to it. I've used some different avenues for promoting Avalanche of Love, and that seems to be paying off. I've gotten 5 reviews on Amazon, and 5 reviews on Goodreads and the book has only been out 14 days. 

Amazon and I are still not in agreement with the print version of the book, so hopefully, I will get that resolved this week. But, most of my sales come from digital. I mostly do the print books for family and friends.

How's Life?

I went to Owensboro this weekend with my oldest, Jessica and her son, Jacob to see my other daughter, Michelle and youngest granddaughter, Deborah. ( I have 7 grandchildren. 5 boys and 2 girls from 15 years old to 2 years old.) We made tacos together to celebrate Mother's Day. We'll let me correct that, Michelle and I made tacos while Jessica texted with her boyfriend and everyone else watched TV in the living room. Typical Mother's Day. 

Last night Jacob and I went to see the band, Shinedown at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. It was Jacob's first real rock concert (he's almost 15), and we had a blast. It was a great show. I'm exhausted and can't wait to go to bed soon. 

Trips in the Works?

A little less than 2 weeks until I got to Colorado with Michelle to get her boys. I'm really excited about the trip. On the way back we're going to stop in St. Louis and take her three boys to the St. Louis Zoo and the Arch. 

I've purchased the plane tickets for the trip to Florida to see my brother with Jacob over Father's Day. I booked a nice hotel close to the beach and have made plans to do some research reconnaissance for another book that I'm working on. 

As you can tell, not much has changed over the last week, except I finally made it to #1 New Release in Lesbian Romance, not to be confused with the #1 selling book in Lesbian Romance. Avalanche only made it to #2 so far, but that's still the highest I've been in that category. It was also #11 in Action & Adventure Romance where it is sharing the top 20 with the likes of Janet Evanovich.  

That sums it up.

Those are the highlights of my week. If you like hard rock and get a chance to see Shinedown in a small venue like the Ryman, do it! You may not be able to hear the next day, but it's totally worth it.


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