Questions and Sales

Next Saturday I'm going to be on The Writer's Block that is hosted by the Lesfic Reading Group. I hope a lot of people will stop by and ask questions. I'm going to be giving away digital and print copies of Building Love throughout the event.

May 21-25th I Heart Lesfic is having a Mega Sale. My books Standing Her Ground, Suddenly, and Second Chances will all be on sale for $.99 on Amazon during those five days. So, if you haven't purchased a copy of one of those books, here's your chance to get them at a discount.

The audio book for Building Love has been completed and I'm waiting for Amazon to give it's stamp of approval. Sarah Beth Goer did a great job reading the book so I hope you'll check it out.

I have to admit I've had a little bit of writer's block for the past couple of weeks. I think it's primarily due to the stress caused by events that have going on with my 11 year old granddaughter. If you have children please keep an eye on what apps they are putting on their phones and pads. Some sick fuckers (please excuse the language) sent pictures of their private parts to my granddaughter and I've been super angry and upset about it. In fact, I've been inspired to write a book about something like this happening and how the girl would be after she was saved.

Anyway, I hope all the mother's out there have a great Mother's Day. I know I'm looking forward to hugging my kiddos and being thankful for everyone being safe.


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