It's Here!

My very first audio book is now available. Actress Sarah Beth Goer read Building Love for me and did a fabulous job. I have some promotion codes so I can giveaway a few copies. If you're interested in getting a promotion code for the audio book, send me an email with the words "Audio Book" in the subject.

I have to say, having someone else read my story out loud was pretty amazing. I'd listened to the story using Natural Reader, a computer program. NR reads the story word for word and it's great for helping you catch mistakes. But listening to a person give your characters life is completely different. I hope it does well because I would love to have more of my books available in audio.

I'm a little bummed that Amazon set the price so high. I'm not sure if I can do anything about that. This is my first rodeo with Amazon's ACX. So far I've been a bit frustrated by the limited number of categories they have for putting your audio book into. I'm not sure if they will let me lower the price, which at $17.46, I thought it was a little high. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

My books Suddenly, Standing Her Ground, and Second Chances will remain at $.99 until the end of the day Monday, so take advantage of that if you haven't already read the books.

Agent number four has turned down Finding Jenna so the self-publishing plan is still on schedule. If the writing gods are willing, I hope to release it sometime this summer. I've set a goal for the end of June, but we'll see how that goes.

I've got at least five books in some stage of being written and I'm hoping to get them finished and out to you all as soon as possible.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend!


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