New Stories Forming

I've just about completed the first draft of The Murder of Mr. Jenkins and it will be going on the shelf for a little while so I can clear my mind of it. After a few weeks I'll go back to it and start editing. During those few weeks away from the murder, I have two new erotica stories that I'm going to be working on for Smashwords and some more chapters to The Continuing Story of Jamie and P. J.

I've also been doing some reading in my spare moments, which are few. I read "The Empress of the World" by Sara Ryan. This was a sweet lesbian story with some twists for the characters. The story is based at the Siegel Institute for the exceptionally talented. The characters Nicola, Battle, Katrina, Isaac and Kevin are there for summer classes that let them learn more about their exceptional gifts. The main character Nicola is an artists and discovering that she is a lesbian. She falls in love with Battle, a beautiful blond dancer who is terrified of her feelings for Nic. Battle tries dating Kevin for awhile but she and Nic sort of end up back together. The story ends, in the all too typical fashion with young adult gay and lesbian stories, with the characters going on with their lives and there being a hint that they might continue their relationship at some point in the future.

It really bothers me that there are so many stories like this. Of course, this was a traditionally published book and I think there lies the problem. A lot of traditional publishers don't want to risk stirring up controversy by letting the young gay and lesbian characters walk off in the sunset together. This is one of the reasons I wrote "Suddenly" and refused to let the ending be changed. Of course, my publisher, Itoh Press was okay with ending. Hopefully, more people will read my story and hopefully more gay writers will write more young adult stories with happy endings.

I also read my favorite author, Gerri Hill's new book, "The Keepers of the Cave." This was a really great murder mystery that bordered on paranormal. Gerri's creates characters that you would want to be your friends. Her two FBI agents in the story, CJ and Paige are both smart and beautiful women that you could see yourself having a beer with. And the scenario of the people of the small town of Hoganville live in a cult life that seems just a little weird at first, but turns out to be more weird and scarier than anyone, including CJ and Paige could imagine. Gerri is also great about throwing a romance into her mystery and she brings CJ and Paige together in a romantic and erotic way that will keep you turning pages. She is just a phenomenal writer. I aspire to be as good as she is.


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