All Stories on Smashwords Free!

As a Christmas present to my fans, I have created coupons for the two stories I have on Smashwords that have charges associated with them.  All three stories I have on there will be free until January 20, 2013.

The first story I published on Smashwords is Afternoon Delight. It's a fun story about two co-workers having an afternoon romp in the sack. The link to story is: The coupon code to get the story free is: QM37C

The second story I published on Smashwords is The Wrong Place at the Right Time.  It's a story about a woman who goes into a sex bar looking for her best friend and gets a new experience. This story is already free. The link to it is:

The third story I published on Smashwords is Is That A UPS Woman in Your Closet. This story reunites the two main characters in the story The Wrong Place at the Right Time for some hot sex in an office storage closet. The link for this story is: The coupon code to get this story free is: DP56C

During the next month, I'm going to be revising these stories and working on a fourth story that will cause so bed sheets to burn so please check back for updates on these stories and all my other writing projects.

Also, I have really exciting news for my Suddenly fans. Suddenly is now available for Kindles and Nooks and back in print at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  It's current ranking on Amazon Kindle sales is #17 in Lesbian Fiction and # 64 in Lesbian Romance. That's right up there with my favorite authors Gerri Hill, Karin Kallmaker and Radcyffe. Wow! Thank you to all my fans that made that possible.  I hope you will enjoy the Smashword stories as well.

And, don't forget about The Murder of Mr. Jenkins! The first draft in it's entirety is posted on the blog . That story was written with my partner under the pen name Williams Brewster.  I will also be editing it for publication, so please enjoy the free version of that book while it's available.

I wish all of you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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