More Good News and NaNoWriMo

The book signing last week at PFLAG was a success. I truly enjoyed getting to talk to the group about my book Suddenly. Everyone there was excited about the book so hopefully they will enjoy reading it.

I heard from my publisher over the weekend and it looks like my book may actually be available in Barnes and Nobles stores at some point.  I'll keep you all posted about the happenings with that.

I'm almost done with the next segment of the continuing story of Jamie and P.J. This segment is told from P. J.'s point of view. I'm pushing to get it posted by Wednesday because Thursday is the beginning of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I will be writing the new murder mystery that my partner and I are working on together.  I have created a new blog for it. This is the link:

I plan to post the entire first draft on the blog so I hope you all will follow along with the story.

Also, I have 5 autographed copies of Suddenly available for sale. They are $15 plus $3 shipping and handling. Please email me if you are interested in getting an autographed copy:


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