Craziness and PFLAG!

These past few weeks have been absolutely insane. My book was on hiatus while I was waiting for the publisher to get it fixed and back out. It is available again on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in print form. I am ordering several copies today so that I will have them available when I speak at the PFLAG meeting next Tuesday, here in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The meeting will be held at the ALIVE Center at 6 p.m. I'm so excited and extremely nervous about this very first speaking event for my book, Suddenly. 

I've got another short, lesbian erotica that I'll be posting on Smashwords, hopefully later today.  And I'll working on another post to the Continuing Story of Jamie and P.J. blog that is being the new book, The Circle of Confusion. This new segment will be written from P. J.'s point of view and I hope to have it up before the end of the week.

On top of all this craziness, I'm preparing to start a new murder mystery, tentatively entitle "The Murder of Mr. Jenkins," that I'm going to start writing during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is held every year in November.  Lots and lots of writing going on. I hope that anyone reading my blogs will drop comments at either the blogs, my Facebook page, or to my email: I would love to hear from any of my readers!


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