Jamie and P. J.: Moving in together

Jamie had, initially, been extremely pissed off that P. J. had dropped down to going to school half-time so she could go to work full-time at Kinko's. P. J. finally made her understand that she was getting to do a lot of graphic art work when she was helping clients set up their business cards and creating posters. In effect, she was getting more of a hands on eductation than she had been getting at school. Plus, P. J. didn't want to pass up the opportunity for a full-time job and had jumped on the opportunity when her manager had asked her to start working full-time.  The extra income allowed P. J. to have enough money to get an apartment for her and Jamie.

P. J. had been worried that Jamie's parents would balk at the idea of the two girls moving in together but Jamie's dad had been excited about how much money it was going to save him so he wouldn't have to pay for dorm housing.  Jamie's mother, who still really hasn't come to accept their relationship, hadn't been as excited about it but she went along with it because Jamie's dad said it was okay.

Jamie had flipped when P.J. told her that she had already signed a lease for the apartment and they spent the night in the apartment, making love and sleeping on a sleeping bag on the bedroom floor. The next day Jamie actually cut classes to help P.J. move all of their clothes into the apartment and what little furniture they owned.  P.J.'s mom and stepdad, Dave found them a used queen size bed that was in excellent shape. Jamie's parents insisted on buying them a sheet and comforter set. 

Well, that's all I have time for today.  Hopefully, I'll get work on putting this story together, piece by piece until I get enough to post a section at the Royal Academy of Bards.


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