First Fight

P. J. unlocked the door to the apartment and was greeted by the sound of laughter.  She was suprised to see that Jamie had six friends from school sitting on the floor of the living room, that still only had a couch in it. They had a pizza box open on the floor between there, books open and notebooks strewn around. 

Jamie looked up at P.J. and smiled, "Hey, just in time. You want a piece of pizza?"

"No," P.J. said in a sharper tone than she had intended, illiciting a frown from Jamie. "I'm going to hop in the shower." She went into the bedroom and threw her backpack on the bed. 

Jamie came into the room just as P.J. was stripping off her shirt. "What's the problem?" Jamie asked.

"I just wasn't expecting to come home to a house full of people," P.J. said and threw her shirt on the bed.

Jamie closed the door and leaned against it.  "This is my study group from English class. I didn't think it would be a problem."

P. J. unfastened her jeans and started taking them off, "I just wished you would have text me or called me to let me know.  It just caught me off guard."

"So am I going to have to let you know every time I have someone here?" Jamie asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Glaring at Jamie, P. J. bit back the angry retort that was on the tip of her tongue. She didn't want what appeared to be their first problem to become a huge fight in front of Jamie's friends. "It would be nice if you would, especially if they are still going to be here when I get home."

"Hey, Jamie, come on let's finish this up." One of the girls called from the other room.

"Fine." Jamie snapped and left the room, closing the door with a slam.

I know I've been adding bits and pieces from this new story a bit randomly but I'm working on the official story separately and I will be posting it at the Royal Academy of Bards website as I get each section finished. Their website is


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