Decisions Decisions

I still haven't heard anything from PD Publishing and I'm considering entering my book Suddenly in Bedazzled Publishing contest.  I'll have to write PD next week if I don't hear from them and see what they are doing with my book so I'll know if I can enter it in the Bedazzled contest.

Next month is NaNoWriMo and I'm really torn about which story to write on during that month.  I've got my adult lesbian romance that I've been toying with for like six years but there still seem to be some blocks with that.  Then, I have another young adult lesbian romance that I've been thinking about and the ideas for that seem to be coming more readily.  I'm leaning towards the young adult since the ideas for that keep popping in my head.

I really wish I could hear something back from the publisher so I'd know what to do about Suddenly. Anyway, I guess it's just a wait and see until next week, then I will definitely have to make a decision about Bedazzled because their deadline is October 31st.


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