Broke Down and Wrote Publisher

Well, I finally got to where I couldn't take the waiting any more. It's been almost 8 weeks since I sent my book to PD Publishing and I haven't heard anything back.  I don't want to assume the worse but since there's been no word I'm going to have to assume they weren't interested in it.  But, they haven't officially said no so I guess I can still hold out on hope until I actually get the official NO. 

Any way, next week National November Writing Month or NANOWRIMO starts and I will be working on my adult lesbian romance about a televangist's wife who is raped in South Africa because she became friends with a lesbian couple who were on a missionary trip over there with her.  When she comes back home she is a changed woman and has to make some serious choices about what direction she wants her life to take.  One of those choices is whether or not she be able to stop herself from falling in love with a beautiful prosecuting attorney is may be getting ready to put her husband in jail.  Sounds interesting doesn't it.  I can't wait to see where the characters of this story take me.


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