This picture sums up the way my life has started this year. It's been a shipwreck. I've managed to survive the wreck, but in many ways I feel like I'm in pieces, like this ship. Sometimes you have to make really hard choices and changes. I can only pray that I have made the right choices and the right changes. 

I haven't been listening to much music lately, although I did get a copy of Dolly Parton's Rockstar CD from the library and I listened to it in my car. It's awesome. If you have gotten to listen to it yet, check it out! Rockstar!

I've been listening to a couple of podcasts. The main one I've been listening to is the Lesbians Who Write podcast. I have been listening to this podcast for a few years now and I really love it. The two ladies who run it, TB Markinson and Clare Lydon are excellent lesbian writers and fun to listen to. 

Another podcast I've been listening to for the past couple of years, and a lot here lately is the Be Positive Stay Positive podcast. Nat, the guy who runs this podcast is a hoot. Sometimes he's pretty serious and other times he's a character to listen to, but I have found almost all of his podcasts very inspiring, especially during this bumpy time in my life. 

I've been writing in short spurts and I finally published my play Is She or Isn't She that I wrote back in 2018. So I am super excited about having published something new. And I took The Wrong Place at the Right Time off of Smashwords so I could put in on Kindle Unlimited. I haven't seen much traffic there yet, but that's such an old story. I'm planning to change the cover in a few months and hopefully that will make it appealing to new readers. 

That pretty much surmises things for now. Thank you for your continued support and please keep sending the positive energy. 

Peace, love and blessings. 


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