

Welcome to a new year, my friends. I am very happy to see 2023 in the rearview mirror. 2023 was a lot of things for me. I learned a lot about myself, and I'm not happy with who I have become. I have become a very unhappy and angry person. Part of that is because I feel that my life has been spiraling out of my control for a long time. Taking control meant making major changes that I have been afraid of making. But sometimes, you have to make painful changes for your mental health and happiness, and that's what I'm doing. 

I dug out my Melissa Etheridge CD Your Little Secret , and I've been listening to four of the songs from it on replay for the past few weeks. Those songs are: I Could Have Been You, Shriner's Park, Change, and This War Is Over. 

Change, in particular, speaks very strongly of where my life is right now. The lyrics that strike me the hardest are: "And so it goes, this, too, shall pass away. Cuts so strange. The only thing that stays the same is change."

The other Melissa Etheridge CD that I'm wearing out right now is Breakdown. It really speaks of how my life has been for the past several months, and I have had several breakdowns of my own. 

Changes are coming in the near future, and I am praying that they will make my life better. If all goes well, I will be able to spend more time focusing on my writing and get some new material out for my readers.

If you are experiencing hard times and going through changes, I hope you will find someone to talk to. I've enlisted the help of a therapist because I really needed someone who wasn't involved in my life to be able to give me their perspective on what needs to be done to make me happier. 

Okay, enough of that. What good has been going on? Well, besides rediscovering my love for Melissa Etheridge, I'm involved with The Curve Foundation's plans to make Lesbian Visibility Week in April very visible. I had not heard of this week of celebrating lesbians until I started working as the Archivist in Residence for The Curve Foundation. I'm very excited about helping more people find out about this week long celebration and hopefully get some of my local community involved. 

The Archivist in Residence job is as a volunteer, and it's been really interesting. I'm going through back issues of Curve Magazine and selecting specific articles to be cataloged so they are easier to find by people searching the archive of the magazine. If you are interested in perusing the back issues of Curve magazine, which go all the way back to 1991, check out this link to the archive.

In other news, all of my ebooks are currently 99 cents. I've taken The Wrong Place At The Right Time

down from the Smashwords platform so that I can make it available on Kindle Unlimited. My plan is to make it a box set with Judge Not

and The Perfect Proposal

I'm going to sign off for today. Sending prayers of joy and happiness to everyone reading this. 


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