Already May


This is a picture from my backyard from a few days ago. I love how green everything is. You can't see them, but honeysuckle vines are blooming on the back fence row. They aren't as fragrant this year, which is a bummer, but they are still pretty. 

Last month I mentioned my friend who had been diagnosed with dementia. I wanted to let you all know that she is in a very nice memory care assisted living facility and doing very well. Her doctors have found a medication combination that keeps her from having illusions and feeling very good. That has been super good news for everyone who cares about her.

On a sad note, a sweet lady who was my friend and the aunt of two of my grandchildren died of liver cirrhosis. We knew she was having health issues, but no one had any idea how bad things were. She went to live with her youngest brother, the boyfriend of my youngest daughter, and the father of my youngest granddaughter. Within a few days of moving in with them, my friend went to the hospital because of problems caused by her cirrhosis. The doctors told her that if she drank any alcohol again, she would die very soon. She went home and drank more. Personally, I think it was an act of suicide on her part. She knew what would happen and chose the drink anyway. Her life had become a sad mess, and I truly believe she decided she had nothing to live for. Thankfully, we all had a few more days with her, and she passed peacefully in my daughter's arms. She had just turned 49. It's so sad how life deals some people with the most difficult cards. She will be very missed.

So many reminders of the need to appreciate every day.

In happier news, I have formatted the new edition of Suddenly for ebook and print. The new edition of the ebook will have a new cover and will include the first three episodes of my Kindle Vella, College Hill: Season One, which follows my main characters, Jamie Edwards and PJ Thomas, from Suddenly through their first semester of college. These episodes are free on Kindle Vella, but I am also formatting them as a free gift for people who have read Suddenly in the past and follow me on my social media. 

I Heart Sapphfic is going to have another sale May 25-29. I will put the new edition of Suddenly in the sale for 99 cents. If you have not had a chance to read this very first book of mine, I hope you'll snap it up. It will also be available on Kindle Unlimited.

I will not be in town during the sale. I'm going to Colorado again with my youngest daughter to get two of her sons, who live with their father in Montrose. While there, I plan to take lots of pictures and develop ideas for new stories based on my favorite area of Ridway and Ouray. My books Avalance of Love and Learning to Love Again take place in Colorado. I'm going to put them in the I Heart Sapphfic sale as well. 

I hope all of you are enjoying the spring weather or fall if you're in the southern hemisphere. For those of you in the U. S., I hope you all have a happy and safe Memorial Day. 


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