Getting Your Shit Together Is Hard

I know I'm not the only one who has had this feeling of AAUGH! Just when you think life is finally going your way and you're going to kick that football over the moon, some Lucy jerks it away at the last minute.

My main, and really only goal, for 2023 is to get my shit together, but it is hard. I make a schedule that I think I can stick with, and someone throws a monkey wrench in my plans, and down I go.

For those of you who read this blog, all five of you that may still be following me, you know that my life is complicated. When my partner and I got together 24 years ago, I had no idea of the hell my children and I were going to put her through, and I'm amazed every day that she's still here, or rather hasn't thrown us all out on the street. It's her house.

We survived my two daughters' psycho teenage years, raised three grandchildren, took care of my partner's mother and son when they were sick, and now we're about to become great-grandparents because my sixteen-year-old granddaughter decided she wanted to get pregnant. Mind you, this was not an oops. It was an intentional scheme that the child concocted, and I still have no idea what her endgame is, but it will affect many people who did not ask to be involved.

Last year was a very crazy year, but some good things came out of it. A lesion was found under my skull's dura mater. For a few terrifying months, I thought I might have brain cancer, but it turned out to be an angioma or noncancerous mass that I had removed on March 29, 2022. One of the good things that came out of this is that I finally left my job at the public library that I had grown to hate. I have never been a people person, but I like to help people, and I love books, so I always thought working at a library would be the perfect job, and it was for a while, but seeing homeless, drug addicts, and prostitutes use the library as their hang out did me in. That, and there was a lot of drama going on with the staff that had reached a point of being beyond ridiculous. It was worse than high school.

I started working with DoorDash before the end of 2021 and found that I loved being alone in my car. It was an easy job that didn't require a whole lot from me mentally, which was exactly what I needed. 

After my surgery, I had to stay home and rest for several weeks and found that I couldn't go back to the library. I just couldn't go back to dealing with people on that level, so I retired from the library and started working for DoorDash full-time. That means I have my own business delivering food, and I like it. It's a challenge sometimes to make enough money to pay the bills, but I deal with very few people.

One of the bad things that happened with all of this is that I was having trouble dealing with my writing business. My muse started skipping town, and I didn't have the energy to do the marketing work, so I let it go by the wayside. But I'm trying to get back on track. I've been writing more and trying to schedule my time so that I get more writing business done, but then those Lucys come along and rip that football away. The result is a very powerful depression that has been taking its toll.

Never fear, though; I will try to keep plugging along and hopefully have something new out soon. I'm still adding to College Hill's continuing story of Jamie and PJ from Suddenly. I've been working on completely re-vamping Suddenly and hope to have a better version with a new cover out soon.

I deeply appreciate the fans who have stuck with me all these years. I can't believe it's been more than 10 years since I first published Suddenly, and hopefully, I will have many more stories over the next 10 years.

Peace and love to you all. 


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