Life Gets In The Way

You might remember seeing this picture in a previous post. I used it to depict how my life was going at that time, and it's been like that again. I honestly can't remember all that has happened since August, but I do know I forgot to do a giveaway of Learning to Love Again for my birthday, so I'm going to do it for Christmas. Not only do I have several print copies of Learning to Love Again
, but I have copies of my YA thriller, Finding Jenna, as well. 
And, if you are not interested in a print copy, Learning to Love Again will be going on sale the last week of December as part of I Heart SapphFic's big end-of-the-year sale. 

This has been a completely bizarre year. I published Learning to Love Again on January 1st of this year, and I thought I would publish more books this year, but that didn't happen. My doctor found a lesion in my skull, and for several terrifying days, I thought I might have metastatic brain cancer. I had brain surgery at the end of March and found out that I had a hemangioma, which is a benign vascular lesion that a surgeon removed. I retired from the job that I had been at for fifteen years, started DoorDashing part-time to support my writing, and watched my oldest grandchild graduate from high school and the from basic training. 

There was more craziness. My partner found out that she has two 20 percent blockages in her heart arteries. And my youngest grandson is having liver trouble and will have to have a biopsy next month. He is only nine.

With all that has happened, I have learned to slow down and appreciate each new day. I am so thankful for everything the Universe has given me, and I have peace within that I have never had. 

Despite only publishing one book this year, I have been working on revisions of Suddenly, which will be updated and given a new cover next year. I'm adding episodes to Suddenly Continued on Kindle Vella on Amazon, and I am currently working on a sequel to Learning to Love Again, titled Ridgway Moon, that I will be posting on Kindle Vella as I work on it and eventually, it will be released on Kindle Unlimited. 

I have been struggling with my energy levels since getting Covid early in the year and having my surgery, but I am hoping for great things to happen in 2023. 

If you are interested in a print copy of Learning to Love Again or Finding Jenna, please email me at

Wishing you peace and blessings through the rest of December and the upcoming holidays. 

Keep safe.
With Love,
M. E. 


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