April Showers Bring May Flowers And Good News

A lot has happened in my life since my post last month. My surgeon called and told me that the place they took out of my skull was not cancer. PRAISE GOD, THE UNIVERSE, ALLAH, and whoever may be in charge. I saw the surgeon a week later, and he said my incision was healing nicely. I guess as far as large scars go, it's not bad. It's right at my hairline, so you can't really see it. I saw my local nurse practitioner because I still have headaches and fatigue. She did a bunch of bloodwork, and everything came back okay. I guess it's just part of recovering from major surgery. 

The second bit of good news comes with a bit of melancholy, but it's a good thing overall. I've decided to retire from my job at the library where I have worked for 15 years. I hadn't planned on retiring this soon, but with my continued health issues and a lot of prompting from my life partner, Rosa, who is ready to start traveling, I decided it was time to take a new path. This will also allow me to write full-time. 

I'm currently working on three stories: Suddenly Continues/College Hill: Semester One, Chosen Family, and Take A Chance On Me. 

Suddenly Continues/College Hill: Semester One is the series about Jamie and P. J. from my book Suddenly, which is available on Kindle Vella. I'm going to officially change the title of this series to College Hill, and the seasons will have titles associated with Jamie and P. J.'s college years. 

Chosen Family is a murder mystery with lesbian characters and possibly a romance. As most of you know, I'm a pantser when I write, so I never really know how things will turn out in a story. I will post this as a series on Kindle Vella and Inkitt after I get a few more chapters written. I should have links available next month. 


Take A Chance On Me is the sequel to Learning to Love Again. Ava and Mel will be going back to Colorado and meeting new friends. I don't know if I'm going to post that as Kindle Vella or just wait and post it as a full book. I'm still deciding about that. 

I am also working on re-editing Suddenly and getting a new cover for it. I will re-release it in August to celebrate its 10th anniversary. There will be giveaways that will only be available for people who read my blog, so keep an eye out for those. 

I'm going to close today with a link to a Judds video. I've always loved their music and was very sad to hear about Naomi Judd's passing. I am sending love out to you all.

          Love Can Build A Bridge 



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