It's February! The Month of Love!

This year is already zipping along. It's February already. Every year I tell myself I'm going to write a book with a Valentine's Day theme that will come out in February, but I haven't done it yet. Maybe next year. But, my newest book Learning to Love Again is a charming, romantic, dramatic, over 50 story. So for us older women who still believe in romance, this is a great story about what could be. And for the younger women, it will give you hope that love can still be found later in life. 

Learning to Love Again has already received many  4 and 5 star ratings and reviews, which is very exciting. I've been asked if there will be a sequel, and I've already come up with some ideas for one. Of course, I have to find time to write which hasn't been easily lately. But, that's my fault, I took on a second job and I've become addicted to the money. The theory behind the second job is to get my debts paid off so I can write full time, but it's still at least a year away before I will be able to consider leaving either job.  

I've been working on the print version of Learning to Love Again, but Amazon and I are not getting along, again. They provide formatted templates, and in theory I should be able to just load the book into the template, but that's not the case. There's still a lot of formatting to be done in order to get it to print correctly. If the writing gods are willing, I will have that completed and available very soon. Once it becomes available I will have a giveaway, so keep an eye on my Facebook and Twitter feeds for news about that. 

As most of you know I'm a huge music fan. I love most music genres, although I'm not a big fan of rap. Music almost always creates a memory of a time and place for me. Not long after I met my partner, Rosa, I heard "Forever Love" by Reba McEntire on the radio at the factory where I was working. I wanted to so badly to call her and say, "Listen to this song! It says what I want to tell you." I didn't call her, but I told her about the song the next time I saw her. Being a huge Reba fan, she was already aware of the song and said she felt the same way about it. At the time, we were both still in relationships with other people, but we knew we were meant to be together. The lyrics to that song gave me hope that we would be together one day, and here we are 23 years later. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmate and I'm thankful I found mine. But, even if you're by yourself this month, take some time out for some self-love. Pamper yourself and find your happy place. 


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