Suddenly Continues and Through This Together

I'm running very late on posting this month. It's been a crazy month as August tends to be. My grandkids from Colorado had to go home. My grandkids who live here in Kentucky had to go back to school. I'm trying to get stories out there for my fans. Just busy, busy busy. Plus, I had to mow the yard a couple of times this month. And it's my birthday today. Officially a senior according the the library I work at. But, at 55 I can't get any real senior discounts yet.

But, I finally slowed down long enough to write this post and share some exciting news with everyone. So last month I posted that I had made Through This Together available on the new Kindle Vella program. Well, it's not getting much attention there. So, since it's been over a month since I posted in on Kindle Vella, and it has more than 10 chapters, I can publish it to Kindle Unlimited now. I've been listening to the story again on Natural Reader. I've tried to catch any mistakes that have slipped past my editor and me in the several rounds of editing and reviewing. I'm sure I'll miss something, but that's the great thing about being self-published, I can always go back and fix it later. 

The plan is to stay up as late as necessary this evening to finish formatting Through This Together for Kindle and get it loaded so that it will available for readers before the end of this week. 

The other thing that I've done this month is start posting episodes to Suddenly Continues on Kindle Vella. So far I've only got three episodes up, but more will come. I think this is going to be a great platform for me to continue Jamie and P. J.'s story. I've had such a hard time trying to write a sequel to the story and this way I can post the sequel an episode at a time. And then after I get enough episodes put together, I can publish it on the long form of Kindle Unlimited. 

On top of all this, I've sent my next book, Learning to Love Again to my editor. Hopefully, that will be out sometime in November. At least that's the goal.

I hope everyone is staying safe. Covid is not done wreaking havoc. It's been interesting listening to Through This Together, which I finished writing last August and realizing things really have not gotten much better in the past year. In fact, they've gotten worse. But, we must all try to do our part to make things better so we can through this crazy time together.


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