Through This Together is Available on Kindle Vella!


Hi! How's everyone's summer going? Or winter, depending on where you live in the world. I hope everyone is keeping safe. This new Covid delta variation is making me nervous. I've been vaccinated, but I still worry that I could catch Covid and bring it home to my family members who are not vaccinated. Depending on how the numbers here in Kentucky start looking and depending on how nervous I get, I may go back to wearing my mask at work. Please keep safe out there!

Speaking of Covid, I've released my new book, Through This Together, on the new Kindle Vella program. You can read the first three chapters for free, but apparently only if you live in the United States. I guess I didn't realize that when I put the book in the program. It really sucks because I know I have fans worldwide who might want to read this story. I have to leave the book in the Kindle Vella program for 30 days before I can expand it to the regular Kindle program. That means it will be the middle of August before it will be available to everyone. But, have no fear, I will make sure it becomes available to everyone. 

In the foreword, I tell why I wrote the story and how it came about. It's one of my stories that I felt needed to be written, like Finding Jenna and Standing Her Ground. Sometimes a story comes to me, and it won't let me go until I write it, even if I know it may not be a fan favorite. I just hope that each one of my stories touches at least one person, then I will feel like I've done my job as a writer.

I'm working on the last edits of my next lesbian romance before I send it off to my editor. I'm hoping that will happen by the end of August, but I'll keep you all posted. 

I'm also planning to start posting episodes of Jamie and P. J.'s continuing story on Kindle Vella because I need feedback. I've had several fans ask for a sequel to Suddenly, but I keep getting stuck, partially because it's been so long since I've been in college and partially because some of the characters I've put in Jamie and P. J.'s life don't seem to want to be fleshed out. Since Kindle Vella is a platform where people can leave notes for the author for each chapter, I'm hoping my readers will help me through the blocks, and then I can make the story available to everyone.

This has been kind of a weird summer because I haven't had all of my grandchildren with me as much as I have in years past. They are all getting older and have their own things going on, especially my two oldest grandsons, Jacob and David. Jacob is working as a lifeguard at a waterpark this summer, and David is at football camp. I just can't get over how big they are all getting. Even the youngest, Deborah, turned four last month. She'll be starting school soon. Crazy how fast they grow up. 

Well, I'm going to wrap this up for this month. I'm only a few days behind my schedule for posting on my blog. I sincerely hope my fans in the U. S. will check out Through This Together on Kindle Vella this month. And I hope my fans worldwide will check it out in August when I make it available to everyone. 


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