Things Will Be Better In 2021?

I don't know about the rest of you, but 2020 is a year I would like to pretend didn't happen. Unfortunately, that is not possible for so many reasons, and especially for the over 2 million families who are morning the loss of loved ones due to the coronavirus. 

I had high hopes for 2021. Joe Biden is going to become president of the United States and Donald Trump will go away. The virus will hopefully be contained, and I will hopefully publish some new work. Sadly, Trump is not going to go away. It will still be months before the virus is contained, but I'm still hopeful about publishing. 

After Sheltered by Love didn't do as well as I had hoped last year, I went into a writing funk. I started doubting my ability to write a good story. Add some family drama and too much alcohol to that, it made for a rough year. 

The family drama has gotten a little better. I've put my drinking hat on the shelf to give my liver and head a break. But, I'm still in a bit of funk that is proving hard to get out of. I'm writing. I even sent my new young adult story about the pandemic to a publisher and hopefully they will publish it. I'm working on another story that I'm really enjoying writing, but I just don't have the enthusiam I've had in the past. I hate that I feel this way, and I believe it's because there is still so much drama and uncertainty in the world right now. Especially, here in the United States where many of us live in fear of what the next few weeks will bring. 

One thing that I have learned to do over the past several months is to focus on this moment. I can't change the past, and who knows what the future holds. But, this moment right now, I'm writing to my friends who read this blog. 

I hope the new year is starting out better for you than it has for me. And I pray that happiness will find you and bring you great joy this year. That is my wish for everyone, including myself. 

Hopefully, I'll have news about my story being published soon. So pleast watch for updates and have a fabulous day. 


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