This Upside Down World

It's been another crazy couple of months. I'm back to working in the public full-time and I have to admit, it's a bit scary. As some of you know, I work as a reference librarian at a public library in Kentucky. I think our library might be the only library in the state that is open to the public. Our patrons are very excited about us being open, especially people who don't have the Internet or cable at home. Most people wear masks when they come in, but there are way too many people who don't. 

My job is to help people on the computers and doing that from six feet away can be a little tricky. I've got a laser pointer and that helps. Most people are understanding about keeping their distance because of the virus, but at least once a day I get one of those people who's not wearing a mask and who wants to be in my personal space. Thankfully, I'm allowed to tell them to back up and keep their distance.

How's your life going in the midst of this crazy, upside down world? Do you work in one of the necessary services and have never gotten to be off? Or are you still out of work, just praying you'll have a job when this is all over. 

Life has been super crazy since I've gone back to work. It's made me realize how much procrastinating I did when I was off because now I rarely have time to spend a few hours on a computer. 

This past weekend our air conditioning was out (really how did we survive before air conditioning) and it was 85 degrees inside my house all weekend. Needless to say I didn't do much writing because I was on the back deck where it was cooler, but that was also where the children were playing and making a ton of noise. 

This weekend is the Fourth of July weekend I plan to work on a lesbian romance that I hope to publish in September. I'll post more about it soon. I'm also hoping to get a few more chapters from We Will Get Through This Together on Wattpad and Inkitt. Please keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates about this story.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday. And I pray you are all safe and enjoying every minute of life. Until next time, peace and love.


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