Where Does The Time Go

Being Super Busy

I started writing this blog post on July 19th, and here it is September, and I'm just now getting back to finish it. I'm changing things because the original information is outdated. 

I spent the summer working on my new young adult lesbian romance, working, and trying to spend time with my grandkids. I have three grandsons who live in Colorado, so I only get to see them during the summer. This summer was so crazy that I didn't get to spend much time with them, which sucks, but it's the way things go sometimes. 

The grandkids my partner, Rosa and I are raising are back in school and doing lots of school stuff. My oldest grandson, Jacob, turned 15 this summer. I can't believe it. He's almost 6 feet tall and in marching band. My oldest granddaughter, Jazmyn, is 13 going on 23. Just praying all of us survive her being a teenager. My other grandson, Julian, that Rosa and I are raising is 6, and we are homeschooling him. Socialization has not been a good thing for the other kids, and as crazy as things are in our local schools, we're going to keep him home.

What else is going on?

Today, I wrote "The End" to the story I mentioned earlier. It's a little over 75,000 words that I'm putting on the shelf for a few weeks while I start editing a story that I started last year during NaNoWriMo. If the editing muses are in a good mood, maybe both books will come out before the end of the year. 

I still haven't finished making Avalanche of Love available in print. Amazon and I are still at odds about the formatting. Hopefully, things will slow down long enough for me to get the formatting right.

I'm also planning to publish both of the plays that I've written. They are both 10-minute, one scene plays. Last year "Is She or Isn't She" was performed at the Emerald Theater Company in Memphis, Tennessee. This year my play "She's My Sister" didn't get picked to be performed, but that's okay. But, I thought some of my fans might be interested in checking them out. (I wrote that back in July. Still, haven't done it yet.)

I also have a very short story that I hope to publish soon, so keep a watch out for that. 

What I'm reading!

I finished Annette Mori's book "Artist Free Zone." It was an enjoyable story. It made me feel sorry for Rosa having to deal with this flaky artist. Thank God she loves me.

I read "Finding You" by Emma Nichols. I really enjoyed this lovely romance that takes place in London and Paris and some other places in western Europe that I'm not very familiar with. (Finished this and the next book in the series "Remember Us." I liked them both a lot. Going to start the third book in that series soon.)

I'm ready Courtney Stevens' book, "Dress Code for Small Towns." It's starting out to be a cute story. I haven't gotten very far, though. I've also got Gerri Hill's "Midnight Avenue" on my shelf to read next.

What's New

I just rejoined Myspace, and I'm going to start creating mixes for my books from the songs that I've listened to a lot while I was writing. Music plays a significant role in my life, and if it does in yours too, you might like to know what songs inspired me during the writing of each book. You'll find a lot of overlap, especially with my romances. 

I'm going to stop here to make I get this posted tonight before something happens and I don't get it done. (Waiting on the granddaughter to come home after lying about her ride, going to be one of those nights.)


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