Finding Jenna Release Date


I have been working on this book for over two years. I really thought it would be the one to get published by a traditional publisher because the story is so relevant to things happening today. We have human traffickers, murders, lesbians, and a transgender man hero. I don't understand why none of the agents or publishers wanted to publish it. But that's okay. I'm going to publish it. 

I'm still working on the synopsis and the blurb. They are always the most difficult for me. I've already had a few beta readers read it and they love it, so I'm confident it is going to do well.

There are thirty-six chapters in this book so over the next fifty days I'll be posting summaries of the chapters on this blog as we lead up to the release. I'm also going to set up a release party on Facebook where I'll be giving away copies of Finding Jenna, as well as copies of my other books.

I'm really excited about this story. It's not my usual lesbian romance, which I love writing. But this is something very different. It's a thriller and a drama with a little bit of mystery thrown in for good measure. I can't wait to hear what readers think about it. 


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