Website Troubles

Well, I guess I didn't pay for my domain name on time with GoDaddy, so Wordpress shutdown my website. So, I'm kind of bummed, but not really. I'd been thinking about changing my website for a while now. I guess this gives me the opportunity to do that. When I get the new website up and running I'll be sure to get the information to everyone via this blog, Facebook and Twitter.

Finding Jenna has gotten three agent rejections and two publisher rejections. I know that's not a lot in the publishing industry, but I did get some inside information that the main concern from the publishing and agent side of things is that the book might not sell enough to be worth taking on because of the subject matter. So, I'm going to publish it myself. I'm actually going to publish both versions of the story. One version focuses on the intrigue, and one focuses on the relationship between the two main characters. I think a lot of readers will enjoy seeing both sides of the story, but we'll see what happens later this year when I release the stories.

Build Love is doing really well. Thank you, everyone, who has read the story! I appreciate you all so much, especially the readers who've taken a few minutes to give me a review. Sending out much love to you all.

I'm really fired up about writing this year and publishing some stories that I've written in the past so that you will see more from me this year than in the past few years. I hope you all will be as excited about reading my stories as I am about getting them out there to you


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