
Showing posts from 2015

Standing Her Ground Is Now Available!

So much has happened over the past few months. I finally finished Standing Her Ground and it is available on Amazon now. I finally got around to updating my website with new information and links.  Suddenly's publisher, Itoh Press went out of business last month so Suddenly is temporarily unavailable. I'm working on doing a very thorough editing, but I will have it available again as soon as possible.  I have so many ideas for new stories, but I may be doing a short one for Christmas. A friend of mine challenged me to write a Christmas romance by Christmas so we'll see if I can get it done.  I'm also working on two other stories my partner has written that I need to edit and get ready for publication. Plus, I'm going to dig out a story I wrote several years ago and revise it. Whoo, making me tired just thinking about all this.  I'm also going to be doing a lot of reading. I'm really far behind so I'm going to be playing catch up. I...



Standing Her Ground

The GCLS Conference was a lot of fun, although I skipped about half of the conference in order to spend time with my sister, Sheryl and her life partner, Jim. We rarely get to see each other and it's even more rare for them to get to see my partner, Rose and the grandkids. We had a fabulous time in New Orleans. It's a really beautiful and interesting city. We're looking forward to going back to visit sometime, preferably NOT in July. I ended up giving away the ten copies of Second Chances I took to the conference with me. Most of them I traded for other authors' books. Some of which I've already started reading. I got Rita Mae Brown's authograph, which was fabulous. I met Karin Kallmaker, Isabelle, and Baxter Trautman, all of which are authors I love, all wonderful lovely ladies. I also made some new friends, including Chris Paynter, another wonderful author. The panels were great and I learned some good stuff. I'm looking forward to using that informati...

15 Days to GCLS Conference!!!!!!

This will be my very first lesbian writers conference!   I am thrilled about going to this conference. I've only ordered 10 books to take with me. I'm afraid that I'll take to many. I am working on rack cards for Standing Her Ground, the new book I am working on and hope to have out before the end of September.   My partner, Rosa, the three grandchildren we are raising, Jacob, Jazmyn, and Julian will be coming with me. As well as my friend, Rebecca, who will be out nanny for the week. This is our first trip to New Orleans. We are super excited about the trip and meeting some of our favorite authors. 

Golden Crown Literary Conference

This photo of New Orleans is courtesy of TripAdvisor Just 26 days until the Golden Crown Literary Conference in New Orleans. I'm very excited about going to my first lesbian writing conference. There will be a lot of great authors there, and I'm looking forward to meeting some of the lovely ladies that I've become friends with on Facebook. I'm also looking forward to meeting fans. I'll be bringing copies of all my books, but probably just a few of each. If you are going to the conference and have a specific book you would like to get from me there, please email me and let me know at my email address: I've never been to New Orleans, and I'll be traveling with my family. It is going to be quite an adventure! As many of you know, I've had a rough couple of months. We lost my partner's mother in April and my beloved Aunt Vonnie a few weeks ago. I've had all 6 of my grandkids for several days over the past two months (my brain may...

Sad, Long, Hot, but Productive Weekend

I went to Indiana this weekend, with my family, to say a final goodbye to my beloved Aunt Vonnie. She was my mother's oldest sister and the second oldest of ten kids. My mother's parents were dairy farmers and lots of kids made for cheap farm labor, although I would like to think they thought more of the kids than that, but I'm not so sure. My mother never talked about fun things she did as a kid, and when I questioned Aunt Vonnie about their childhood, she didn't have anything good to say about it either. The funeral itself was small, with maybe twenty to twenty-five people there. I only knew about six of the people there, who were mostly aunts of dead uncles and a couple of cousins, including Aunt Vonnie's son, Brad. It made me realize how little I knew about these people and their lives, but that is not going to change. Although they seemed genuinely glad to see me, I didn't get a warm feeling from any of them. In fact, I felt like a complete outsider and...

Potential scene from up coming book "Standing Her Ground"

Image I listen to a lot of music when I write and often find songs that inspire scenes, or help set the mood for the scene. This particular scene, which will most likely find it's way into my newest book, Standing Her Ground, called for two different songs. The first one is Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. Read to the end of the scene to find out what the other song is. Scene from Standing Her Ground Jodi looked up from her take out box and looked across the cafe. A woman at the counter was staring at her. Jodi met her gaze. Jean was about to say something to Jodi when she saw the young woman's face go white. “Are you okay?” Jodi continued to stare ahead for a moment and then her head swung in Jean's direction. “No, actually. I'm suddenly feeling a little sick.” She stood, grabbed her to-go box and her purse. “I've got to go. Thank you lunch.” She quickly left the restaurant. Ashley had turned ...

The Perfect Proposal Chapter Three

“Stop grinning,” Ashley Jessup demanded. “What's the matter? Jealous?” Mary asked and grinned at her friend and coworker. She couldn’t help grinning, though. Jackie had been more attentive and loving this past week than she usually was, which was hard to imagine considering how loving and attentive Jackie was on a regular basis. Mary wasn’t sure what had inspired Jackie’s new insatiable spell, but she was not complaining. “No,” Ashley snapped and then sat down at her desk. “Well, maybe a little. Jean has been so busy starting her new practice that we haven’t had much time for…” Ashley looked toward the offices of the two law partners Mary and she worked for and then said in a low voice, “Well, you know.” Mary let her grin fade slightly and nodded. “You said that she has been working a lot of late nights.” “I’d be worried she was seeing someone else if she wasn’t working at home,” Ashley admitted. “I’ve been trying to help her as much as I can, but there’s not...

The Perfect Proposal Chapter Two

Mary was stretched out on the couch with her eyes closed when Jackie got home. She studied the beautiful Mary Hanon and wondered if they would make some combination of their last names after they got married, or maybe Mary would take her last name.   Mary Meredith has a nice ring to it. “What are you thinking about?” Mary asked, snapping Jackie out of her daydream. Jackie sat down on the couch and pulled Mary’s stocking feet into her lap. “I was thinking about things I want to do to you.” It was only a partial fib. “Oh yeah,” Mary said, “Rubbing my feet wasn’t one of them, was it?” “It’s a good place to start,” Jackie said and started massaging Mary’s feet. Mary moaned and closed her eyes. “That is wonderful.” Jackie focused on massaging Mary’s small feet but her eyes kept straying to where Mary’s skirt was riding up, showing off her slim legs. Her hands moved from Mary’s feet to her ankles and calves, eliciting more moaning from Mary. It had been a l...